
Primary Healthcare

Primary Healthcare services provide the first point of contact in the healthcare system, acting as the ‘front door’ of the NHS.

These are services that you can access without the need for a referral from another professional. It includes general practice, which you will know as your local GP Surgery.  A number of other roles are now within Primary Healthcare – Podiatrists, Dietitians, Mental Health Practitioners, Occupational Therapists, Care Coordinators, Social Prescribing Link Workers and Health and Well-being Coaches.

Care Coordinators, Social Prescribing Link Workers and Health and Well-being Coaches are emerging roles whereas some of the others’ listed are existing NHS roles which have been brought out of hospitals (secondary care) and into primary care networks.
The community setting is what brings all these jobs together ‘under one roof’ and this allows professionals to work together to provide a faster and more effective response to peoples’ health and social care needs.

We are seeing the growth of multi-disciplinary teams within our primary care services. In these teams there are professionals who previously could only be accessed in the NHS via referral, and there are also emerging new personalised care professionals, so people get support quickly without increasing the burden further up the system.

Primary Healthcare

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