Progression into Healthcare Support Work
This is an entry level role and people can come into it from a very wide range of backgrounds. For staff within the NHS, there is the potential of progression for hospital porters and administrators. Indeed, in local primary care networks administrators are often seen providing initial health screening, acting as triage with relation to appointments and sometimes they are even receiving training to do some of these basic tasks. The number of administrators committing to working in the NHS, makes this a fertile pool for future recruitment of Healthcare Support Workers.
Progression of Healthcare Support Workers
This role can provide a springboard into lots of the health professions.
There are now degree apprenticeships in Nursing, Physiotherapy, Radiography and Midwifery to name a few.
There is also a Nursing Associate apprenticeship route which is at foundation degree level (Level 4 and 5). It can be a steppingstone into Registered Nursing.
Healthcare Support Workers can also progress to other roles including that of the Assistant Practitioner- they are experienced practitioners from one of the support worker specialisms. Therefore, Assistant Practitioners work across all departments within the NHS. You can become one of these if you hold the Level 3 Healthcare Support qualification.
There are lots of opportunities for sideways progression too. For example, moving from a Healthcare Assistant into a support worker specialism such as Radiography Assistant. Once working with an organisation like the NHS, the progression opportunities are vast.